love God. love people. nothing else matters.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Life at home...

It's been exciting being at home full time again. I'm glad to have my days open, free and clear of many responsibilities. Rather than a set-in-stone place I have to be from 9-5, I'm able to simply make a list of to-dos for the day and go through it as I see fit. So, at the suggestion of a friend, I'm going to start actually blogging about my days "at home."

So far today, I've been in a really creative mood, researching a bunch of stuff online that might actually help me get this craft business rolling. I've been browsing craft faires where I could put my things on display, books like Craft, Inc. that will help me make sure I'm covering the basics, and ways to get my hands on a copy of Artful Blogging without having to pay full retail price.

This stuff takes time! I guess I've gotten used to expecting a concrete "end result" when I'm working on stuff, because I feel a little under-accomplished for the day, even though I did do a whole bunch of brainstorming. Thought about how I could make a mark with belly bouquets as one of my major, unique products. Made a bunch of lists: stuff to look into at the craft store and the book store. Got inspired by the website, then of course started looking up ways to jazz up my blog. That's the area that scares me most, because it just seems to take so much time, and great photos--a skill that I do not have. Anyway, I'll have to worry about that later. First I have to have content!

Besides my crafty stuff for the day, insurance paperwork and flexible spending account reimbursement have been taking up my day. It requires a whole filing and retrieval system to make this thing work. But I will say, I'm not doing so bad with that! Off now to fax that paperwork and claim my $1,464 reimbursement!

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