love God. love people. nothing else matters.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Gimme Some Sugar!

It's been a while since I posted any of my creations, but I have been working on them.  While I still have to figure out the best way to blog about my creations, I figured I'd go ahead and share my latest anyway!  This page was actually really quick to make.  (I spent more time photographing it and uploading than it actually took to create it!)  I was able to squeeze it in while LO napped upstairs.  I'd been holding onto this picture from SIL's wedding, confident that one day I'd find an opportunity to make a page with it.  Today was that day!
Created for a sketch design challenge

I'd had this felt title for a while.  Came in handy for this project!

The "admit two" ticket was perfect for capturing the feel of the vintage photo booth at SIL's wedding.